Causes Of Abnormal Wear Of Lowboy Trailer Tires

Causes Of Abnormal Wear Of Lowboy Trailer Tires

Main causes of abnormal tire wear of lowboy trailer

Some lowboy trailers have abnormal tire wear in use. This phenomenon is largely related to the use conditions of the lowboy trailer and the technical level of the driver.The following will give you a detailed introduction.

Causes Of Abnormal Wear Of Lowboy Trailer Tires

The tire pressure deviates from the provisions of the standard

Failure to inflate according to the air pressure standard is one of the main reasons for abnormal tire wear. Many tires are scrapped for this reason. When the tire pressure is lower than the standard.although it can increase its contact area with the ground and reduce the average pressure of the tire on the road. However, due to the “bridge effect” caused by the inward bending of the tire, the load in the middle of the tread is smaller. The load on the edge of the tread increases sharply, which increases the stress of the tire material. The uneven distribution of pressure on the contact area will lead to uneven tread wear. The edge of the driving surface is severely worn, and its wear is usually toothed or wavy.

Causes Of Abnormal Wear Of Lowboy Trailer Tires

Tire pressure too high

When the tire works under high pressure. the deformation of the tire and the contact area between the tire and the road are small. Therefore, the pressure on the grounding area increases and the wear in the middle of the tread is accelerated.

Overloading while driving a lowboy trailer

When the lowboy trailer is overloaded or the load is unevenly distributed on the cargo compartment. The wear characteristics of tire overload are similar to the damage of tire when driving under low pressure. However, the wear is more serious when overloaded. Because in this case. the pressure distribution on the contact area between the tire and the road surface is uneven. And the stress of the carcass cord increases.which aggravates the sharp rise of the running surface temperature of the outer tire. In this case.the fatigue and strength of tire materials decrease faster than that of low pressure tires.

Causes Of Abnormal Wear Of Lowboy Trailer Tires

Violation of vehicle driving rules

The main factors causing abnormal tire wear of lowboy trailer due to the driver’s operation technology are sharp braking and sharp turning.

1.Sharp braking is one of the main reasons for uneven wear of tire driving surface. When the tire is “locked” and dragged, the friction force can be as high as several tons. If you often “lock” brake for a long time, the tread will wear rapidly. According to the information, during sharp braking, some spots may appear on the tread, which will become deep pits after a long time.

Causes Of Abnormal Wear Of Lowboy Trailer Tires

2.When turning sharply at high speed, great lateral inertia force will be generated. In this case, it may cause the side slip of the lowboy trailer, and each part of the tread will slide strongly, resulting in serious tread wear, especially the edge of the running surface of the outer tire.

Drivers avoid the above points when driving a lowboy trailer, which can greatly reduce the abnormal wear of tires and prolong the service life.

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