Wind Blade Transport Heavy Haul Trailer using to transport wind balde to high mountain , the strong chassis and wind balde adaept include two 360° turntable , suitable heavy haul trailer to meet high mountain rough road.
There are two different forms of blade lift oil cylinder, one is inclined support lift oil cylinder, one is flat push lift oil cylinder
Heavy transport turbine blade trailer chassis can according to your need design , such as 3 lines 6 axles lowbed trailer , 4 lines hydraulic module , ect…
There are two different forms of blade lift oil cylinder, one is inclined support lift oil cylinder, one is flat push lift oil cylinder
Heavy transport turbine blade trailer chassis can according to your need design , such as 3 lines 6 axles lowbed trailer , 4 lines hydraulic module , ect…

Turbine Blade model from 121-160 for your choose , our professional designer can according to your need provide design
Wind Blade length from 59.5m- 78m , you can tell us your turbine wind blade model and length , we provide suitable trailer design to you
Wind Blade length from 59.5m- 78m , you can tell us your turbine wind blade model and length , we provide suitable trailer design to you

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